Boy Names Starting with N and Ending With U

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with N and ending with U for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with N and End With U (List 1)

Name M/F Meaning
Na-ru Boy Name Na-ru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nabendu Boy Name Nabendu Meaning :

Used in : Bengali, Hindu
Nabesaburou Boy Name Nabesaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nabetarou Boy Name Nabetarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nabhanyu Boy Name Nabhanyu Meaning : Eternal

Used in : Hindu
Nabhendu Boy Name Nabhendu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nachimuthu Boy Name Nachimuthu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nadau Boy Name Nadau Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Nadavarasu Boy Name Nadavarasu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nadimu Boy Name Nadimu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nadu Boy Name Nadu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Naetarou Boy Name Naetarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nagaharu Boy Name Nagaharu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nagajirou Boy Name Nagajirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nagaraju Boy Name Nagaraju Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nagateru Boy Name Nagateru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nagu Boy Name Nagu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Hindu
Nairusu Boy Name Nairusu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nakagorou Boy Name Nakagorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nakaichirou Boy Name Nakaichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nakajirou Boy Name Nakajirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nakasaburou Boy Name Nakasaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nalla-azhagu Boy Name Nalla-azhagu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nallaazhagu Boy Name Nallaazhagu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nallamothu Boy Name Nallamothu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nallamuthu Boy Name Nallamuthu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Namasthetu Boy Name Namasthetu Meaning : Vanquisher Of All Evils & Vices & Sins

Used in : Hindu
Namasyu Boy Name Namasyu Meaning : Bowing

Used in : Hindu
Namboku Boy Name Namboku Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nandhu Boy Name Nandhu Meaning : Who became a great man. Lord Krishna

Used in : Sanskrit
Nandu Boy Name Nandu Meaning : One Who Always Be Cheerful

Used in : Hindu, Hindu
Nanku Boy Name Nanku Meaning : Well; Safe; Fine

Used in : Gujarati, Gujarati
Nanu Boy Name Nanu Meaning : Small

Used in : Hindu
Nanzaburou Boy Name Nanzaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naohachirou Boy Name Naohachirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naoharu Boy Name Naoharu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naoichirou Boy Name Naoichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naojirou Boy Name Naojirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naokazu Boy Name Naokazu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naomitsu Boy Name Naomitsu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naonobu Boy Name Naonobu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naorou Boy Name Naorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naosaburou Boy Name Naosaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naoshichirou Boy Name Naoshichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naoshirou Boy Name Naoshirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naotarou Boy Name Naotarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naotatsu Boy Name Naotatsu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naotau Boy Name Naotau Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Naraichirou Boy Name Naraichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Narajirou Boy Name Narajirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Narashirou Boy Name Narashirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naratarou Boy Name Naratarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Naresh babu Boy Name Naresh babu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nareshbabu Boy Name Nareshbabu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Naritarou Boy Name Naritarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nasorou Boy Name Nasorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nassaru Boy Name Nassaru Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Natambu Boy Name Natambu Meaning :

Used in : African
Natsu Boy Name Natsu Meaning : Born In Summer

Used in : Hindu, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese
Natsurou Boy Name Natsurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Natsutarou Boy Name Natsutarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nattu Boy Name Nattu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Navarsu Boy Name Navarsu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Navendhu Boy Name Navendhu Meaning : New

Used in : Hindu
Navendu Boy Name Navendu Meaning : New Moon

Used in : Hindu
Navindu Boy Name Navindu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Navukarasu Boy Name Navukarasu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Navukkarasu Boy Name Navukkarasu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Tamil
Nayaru Boy Name Nayaru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nderu Boy Name Nderu Meaning : Bearded One ( Kikuyu Origin )

Used in : African, Kenyan
Ndu Boy Name Ndu Meaning :

Used in : African, African
Ndukaku Boy Name Ndukaku Meaning : In nigerian meaning is : Lifer is higher than wealth

Used in : African
Ndulu Boy Name Ndulu Meaning : Brother (Ibo Of Nigeria)

Used in : African
Ndungu Boy Name Ndungu Meaning :

Used in : African
Nedu Boy Name Nedu Meaning :

Used in : African, African
Negussu Boy Name Negussu Meaning :

Used in : African
Nehru Boy Name Nehru Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nelliababu Boy Name Nelliababu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nelu Boy Name Nelu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Nenrou Boy Name Nenrou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Neriku Boy Name Neriku Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Neshu Boy Name Neshu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Nessu Boy Name Nessu Meaning : Traveler, Homecoming,

Used in : Finnish
Netanyahou Boy Name Netanyahou Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew, French
Netochukwu Boy Name Netochukwu Meaning : Keep Praising God

Used in : Nigerian
Nevenou Boy Name Nevenou Meaning :

Used in : French
Neviru Boy Name Neviru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nezanieru Boy Name Nezanieru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Ngaru Boy Name Ngaru Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Ngatokotoru Boy Name Ngatokotoru Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Ngbendu Boy Name Ngbendu Meaning :

Used in : African
Ngozichukwu Boy Name Ngozichukwu Meaning : Blessing Of God

Used in : Nigerian, Nigerian
Ni-ru Boy Name Ni-ru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Niaru Boy Name Niaru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Niazu Boy Name Niazu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nichirou Boy Name Nichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Nickolau Boy Name Nickolau Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Nicolaou Boy Name Nicolaou Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Nicolau Boy Name Nicolau Meaning :

Used in : French
Nicu Boy Name Nicu Meaning : In Romanian meaning is : people of victory

Used in : Greek, Romanian
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with N and end with U, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.