Boy Names Starting with M and Ending With U (List 3)

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with M and ending with U for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with M and End With U (List 3)

Name M/F Meaning
Mijamneu Boy Name Mijamneu Meaning :

Used in : African
Mikaeru Boy Name Mikaeru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikhayahou Boy Name Mikhayahou Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew, French
Mikihachirou Boy Name Mikihachirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikijirou Boy Name Mikijirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikirou Boy Name Mikirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikisaburou Boy Name Mikisaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikitarou Boy Name Mikitarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikiyasu Boy Name Mikiyasu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mikku Boy Name Mikku Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miku Boy Name Miku Meaning : Beautiful Crimson Colour

Used in : Finnish, Japanese, Japanese
Milandu Boy Name Milandu Meaning :

Used in : African, African
Miliau Boy Name Miliau Meaning :

Used in : French
Milou Boy Name Milou Meaning :

Used in : Netherlands, French, Australian, Dutch
Min-kyu Boy Name Min-kyu Meaning :

Used in : Korean
Min-su Boy Name Min-su Meaning :

Used in : Korean
Mineichirou Boy Name Mineichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minejirou Boy Name Minejirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minerou Boy Name Minerou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minesaburou Boy Name Minesaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minetarou Boy Name Minetarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minhtu Boy Name Minhtu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Minidu Boy Name Minidu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Minnu Boy Name Minnu Meaning : An open bright shiny sky

Used in : Telugu, Telugu
Minoichirou Boy Name Minoichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minojirou Boy Name Minojirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minoru Boy Name Minoru Meaning :

Used in : Australian, Japanese, Japanese
Minotarou Boy Name Minotarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Minzaburou Boy Name Minzaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miqueu Boy Name Miqueu Meaning :

Used in : French
Mirou Boy Name Mirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Misaburou Boy Name Misaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Misu Boy Name Misu Meaning :

Used in : Native American
Mitanshu Boy Name Mitanshu Meaning : A person with the friendly element

Used in : Sanskrit
Mitanu Boy Name Mitanu Meaning : A small part or element of the friend

Used in : Sanskrit
Mitarou Boy Name Mitarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitku Boy Name Mitku Meaning :

Used in : African
Mitogorou Boy Name Mitogorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitrayu Boy Name Mitrayu Meaning : The long age of the friend or friendship

Used in : Sanskrit
Mitsugorou Boy Name Mitsugorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsugu Boy Name Mitsugu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsuharu Boy Name Mitsuharu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese, Japanese
Mitsujirou Boy Name Mitsujirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsunobu Boy Name Mitsunobu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsurou Boy Name Mitsurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsuru Boy Name Mitsuru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese, Japanese
Mitsusaburou Boy Name Mitsusaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mitsushirou Boy Name Mitsushirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miyajirou Boy Name Miyajirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miyatarou Boy Name Miyatarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miyosaburou Boy Name Miyosaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Miyotarou Boy Name Miyotarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mizuichirou Boy Name Mizuichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mizutarou Boy Name Mizutarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mjibu Boy Name Mjibu Meaning : A Nice Person ( Swahili Origin )

Used in : African, Swahili
Mmaobikankiru Boy Name Mmaobikankiru Meaning : Beauty Of The Heart Is Precious Than Good Looking

Used in : Nigerian, Nigerian
Mo-risu Boy Name Mo-risu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mo-su Boy Name Mo-su Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mobumasu Boy Name Mobumasu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mohachirou Boy Name Mohachirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mohanbabu Boy Name Mohanbabu Meaning : Lord Krishna, Fascinating, charming

Used in : Tamil
Moichirou Boy Name Moichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mojuurou Boy Name Mojuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mokichirou Boy Name Mokichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mokurou Boy Name Mokurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mokutarou Boy Name Mokutarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Momodou Boy Name Momodou Meaning :

Used in : African
Momojirou Boy Name Momojirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Momorou Boy Name Momorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Momoru Boy Name Momoru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Momosaburou Boy Name Momosaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mon'ichirou Boy Name Mon'ichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mongwau Boy Name Mongwau Meaning :

Used in : Native American
Monjirou Boy Name Monjirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Monjurou Boy Name Monjurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Monjuurou Boy Name Monjuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Monrou Boy Name Monrou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Montagu Boy Name Montagu Meaning :

Used in : Australian, French, French
Montaigu Boy Name Montaigu Meaning : From The Pointed Hill

Used in : French
Montarou Boy Name Montarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Montegu Boy Name Montegu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Monzaburou Boy Name Monzaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Morcenou Boy Name Morcenou Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Moreau Boy Name Moreau Meaning :

Used in : French
Moriichirou Boy Name Moriichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Morijirou Boy Name Morijirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Morijuurou Boy Name Morijuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Morisaburou Boy Name Morisaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Moritarou Boy Name Moritarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Moriyasu Boy Name Moriyasu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Moronobu Boy Name Moronobu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Moshirou Boy Name Moshirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Mosu Boy Name Mosu Meaning : Drawn Out Of The Water

Used in : Finnish
Motogorou Boy Name Motogorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Motoharu Boy Name Motoharu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese, Japanese
Motoichirou Boy Name Motoichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Motojirou Boy Name Motojirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Motokazu Boy Name Motokazu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Motokichirou Boy Name Motokichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Motokurou Boy Name Motokurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with M and end with U, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.