Boy Names Starting with H and Ending With U

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with H and ending with U for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with H and End With U (List 1)

Name M/F Meaning
H'emmu Boy Name H'emmu Meaning :

Used in : African, Arabic
Ha-bu Boy Name Ha-bu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Haayu Boy Name Haayu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Habibu Boy Name Habibu Meaning : Beloved

Used in : African, Swahili
Habtamu Boy Name Habtamu Meaning :

Used in : African
Hachigorou Boy Name Hachigorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachiichirou Boy Name Hachiichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachijirou Boy Name Hachijirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachijuurou Boy Name Hachijuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachikurou Boy Name Hachikurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachirou Boy Name Hachirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese, Japanese
Hachiroujirou Boy Name Hachiroujirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachisaburou Boy Name Hachisaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachishirou Boy Name Hachishirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hachitarou Boy Name Hachitarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hadgu Boy Name Hadgu Meaning :

Used in : African
Hadi-abu Boy Name Hadi-abu Meaning :

Used in : German
Hailu Boy Name Hailu Meaning :

Used in : African
Haintsu Boy Name Haintsu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hakaku Boy Name Hakaku Meaning : White Crane

Used in : Japanese
Haku Boy Name Haku Meaning : Pure

Used in : Japanese, Japanese
Hakuichirou Boy Name Hakuichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hakujirou Boy Name Hakujirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hakurou Boy Name Hakurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hakusuirou Boy Name Hakusuirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Halaku Boy Name Halaku Meaning : One Who Kills

Used in : Turkish
Haliu Boy Name Haliu Meaning :

Used in : African
Hamadou Boy Name Hamadou Meaning :

Used in : African
Hamagorou Boy Name Hamagorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hamengku Boy Name Hamengku Meaning : Guardian

Used in : Indonesian
Hamidou Boy Name Hamidou Meaning :

Used in : African
Hammou Boy Name Hammou Meaning :

Used in : Arabic
Han-chau Boy Name Han-chau Meaning :

Used in : German
Han-sieu Boy Name Han-sieu Meaning :

Used in : German
Han'eirou Boy Name Han'eirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Han'ichirou Boy Name Han'ichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hanjirou Boy Name Hanjirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hanjuurou Boy Name Hanjuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hanku Boy Name Hanku Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hannibaru Boy Name Hannibaru Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hannu Boy Name Hannu Meaning : God Is Gracious

Used in : Finnish, Finnish
Hansaburou Boy Name Hansaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hanshirou Boy Name Hanshirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hansu Boy Name Hansu Meaning : In finnish meaning is : God is gracious

Used in : Japanese, Finnish
Hantarou Boy Name Hantarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hanu Boy Name Hanu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Hindu, Kannada
Hanzaburou Boy Name Hanzaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hapu Boy Name Hapu Meaning : Name Of A Pharaoh.

Used in : Egyptian
Haralambou Boy Name Haralambou Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Haranobu Boy Name Haranobu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harasunu Boy Name Harasunu Meaning : Son Of Siva

Used in : Sanskrit
Harenu Boy Name Harenu Meaning : A Creeper Which Serves As A Village Boundary

Used in : Sanskrit
Haribhabhru Boy Name Haribhabhru Meaning : Vishnu The Great

Used in : Hindu
Haridru Boy Name Haridru Meaning : Free Of The Gods

Used in : Sanskrit
Harindu Boy Name Harindu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Harou Boy Name Harou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harsendu Boy Name Harsendu Meaning : The Moon Of Joy

Used in : Sanskrit
Harttu Boy Name Harttu Meaning : Army Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Haru Boy Name Haru Meaning : Born In The Spring

Used in : Japanese, Japanese, Japanese
Haruichirou Boy Name Haruichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harujirou Boy Name Harujirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harunobu Boy Name Harunobu Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harusaburou Boy Name Harusaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Harutarou Boy Name Harutarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hashu Boy Name Hashu Meaning :

Used in : Sindhi
Hasindu Boy Name Hasindu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Hasnuu Boy Name Hasnuu Meaning : Handsome

Used in : African, Swahili
Hastu Boy Name Hastu Meaning : Truth, Justice

Used in : Parsi
Hasu Boy Name Hasu Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Hatakurou Boy Name Hatakurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hatsujirou Boy Name Hatsujirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hatsushirou Boy Name Hatsushirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hayaichirou Boy Name Hayaichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hayatarou Boy Name Hayatarou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hayyu Boy Name Hayyu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Hayyuu Boy Name Hayyuu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Heetu Boy Name Heetu Meaning : Peaceful Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Heigorou Boy Name Heigorou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heiichirou Boy Name Heiichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heijirou Boy Name Heijirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heijuurou Boy Name Heijuurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heikichirou Boy Name Heikichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heikku Boy Name Heikku Meaning : Home Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Heikurou Boy Name Heikurou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heishichirou Boy Name Heishichirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heisku Boy Name Heisku Meaning : Home Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Heizaburou Boy Name Heizaburou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Hekirou Boy Name Hekirou Meaning :

Used in : Japanese
Heku Boy Name Heku Meaning : Home Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Helaku Boy Name Helaku Meaning :

Used in : Native American
Hemanshu Boy Name Hemanshu Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Hemendu Boy Name Hemendu Meaning : Golden Moon

Used in : Hindu, Telugu
Hemmu Boy Name Hemmu Meaning : In finnish meaning is : Shape

Used in : African, Finnish
Hemppu Boy Name Hemppu Meaning : Home Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Hemu Boy Name Hemu Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Sindhi
Heppu Boy Name Heppu Meaning : Home Ruler

Used in : Finnish
Heriseu Boy Name Heriseu Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Heristu Boy Name Heristu Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Hermu Boy Name Hermu Meaning : Massanger Of God

Used in : Finnish
Heru Boy Name Heru Meaning : Sun God.

Used in : Egyptian
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with H and end with U, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.