Boy Names Starting with D and Ending With T (List 2)

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with D and ending with T for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with D and End With T (List 2)

Name M/F Meaning
Dennett Boy Name Dennett Meaning :

Used in : Australian, Australian
Dent Boy Name Dent Meaning : Diminutive Of Denton: Valley Town

Used in : British, English
Denysot Boy Name Denysot Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Deodat Boy Name Deodat Meaning :

Used in : French, German
Deon-scott Boy Name Deon-scott Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Depinderjeet Boy Name Depinderjeet Meaning : Victorious Lamp Of God.

Used in : Sikh
Derbest Boy Name Derbest Meaning :

Used in : Kurdish
Dermont Boy Name Dermont Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Dermot Boy Name Dermot Meaning : God Exalts

Used in : Hebrew, Irish, Celtic, Gaelic, Irish
Dermott Boy Name Dermott Meaning : God Exalts

Used in : Hebrew, Gaelic, Irish
Derwent Boy Name Derwent Meaning : Derwent River In England

Used in : American, Australian, British, English
Desert Boy Name Desert Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Desirat Boy Name Desirat Meaning :

Used in : French, French
Deskewt Boy Name Deskewt Meaning :

Used in : Kurdish
Deslot Boy Name Deslot Meaning :

Used in : French
Desmot Boy Name Desmot Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Detert Boy Name Detert Meaning :

Used in : German
Detlef-ernst Boy Name Detlef-ernst Meaning :

Used in : German
Detlef-herbert Boy Name Detlef-herbert Meaning :

Used in : German
Detlev-ernst Boy Name Detlev-ernst Meaning :

Used in : German
Detlev-horst Boy Name Detlev-horst Meaning :

Used in : German
Detroit Boy Name Detroit Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Deulasalt Boy Name Deulasalt Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew
Deulecret Boy Name Deulecret Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew
Deulesaut Boy Name Deulesaut Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew
Devadatt Boy Name Devadatt Meaning : V

Used in : Hindu
Devadut Boy Name Devadut Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Devadutt Boy Name Devadutt Meaning : Gift Of God

Used in : Hindu, Kannada, Telugu
Devavrat Boy Name Devavrat Meaning : Great Bhishma

Used in : Hindu
Devinderjit Boy Name Devinderjit Meaning : Victorious King Of Gods.

Used in : Sikh
Devinderjot Boy Name Devinderjot Meaning : Light Of The King Of Gods.

Used in : Sikh
Devindermeet Boy Name Devindermeet Meaning : Friendly With The King Of Gods.

Used in : Sikh
Devinderpreet Boy Name Devinderpreet Meaning : Love For The King Of Gods.

Used in : Sikh
Devitt Boy Name Devitt Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Devjeet Boy Name Devjeet Meaning : Victory Of God.

Used in : Sikh
Devjot Boy Name Devjot Meaning : Godly Light.

Used in : Sikh
Devpreet Boy Name Devpreet Meaning : Love For God.

Used in : Sikh
Devrat Boy Name Devrat Meaning : Divine Feet

Used in : Hindu
Devvrat Boy Name Devvrat Meaning : Bhishma

Used in : Gujarati
Dewalt Boy Name Dewalt Meaning :

Used in : American, African
Dewitt Boy Name Dewitt Meaning : In german meaning is : Blond

Used in : American, Australian, Dutch, Finnish, German
Dhamavat Boy Name Dhamavat Meaning : In Sanskrit meaning is : Owner of a house; powerful; strong

Used in : Hindu, Sanskrit
Dhanadhipat Boy Name Dhanadhipat Meaning : Lord Of Wealth

Used in : Sanskrit
Dhanajit Boy Name Dhanajit Meaning : Wealth

Used in : Hindu
Dhanavat Boy Name Dhanavat Meaning : Containing Wealth

Used in : Sanskrit
Dhanjeet Boy Name Dhanjeet Meaning : Victory Over Wealth.

Used in : Sikh
Dhanjot Boy Name Dhanjot Meaning : Light Of Wealth

Used in : Sikh
Dhanmeet Boy Name Dhanmeet Meaning : Wealthy Friend.

Used in : Sikh
Dhanpat Boy Name Dhanpat Meaning : Rich

Used in : Sikh
Dhanpreet Boy Name Dhanpreet Meaning : Love For Wealth.

Used in : Sikh
Dhanvant Boy Name Dhanvant Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Telugu
Dhanwant Boy Name Dhanwant Meaning : Lucky, Fortunate

Used in : Hindu
Dharamgeet Boy Name Dharamgeet Meaning : Religious Songs.

Used in : Sikh
Dharamjeet Boy Name Dharamjeet Meaning : Religious Victory.

Used in : Sikh
Dharamjot Boy Name Dharamjot Meaning : Light Of Righteousness And Virtues

Used in : Hindu, Punjabi, Punjabi
Dharamjyot Boy Name Dharamjyot Meaning : Light Of Righteousness And Virtues

Used in : Hindu
Dharampreet Boy Name Dharampreet Meaning : Lover Of Righteousness.

Used in : Sikh
Dharamwant Boy Name Dharamwant Meaning : Full Of Righteousness.

Used in : Sikh
Dharmabhrt Boy Name Dharmabhrt Meaning : Bearer Of Religion, Virtuous

Used in : Sanskrit
Dharmadhrt Boy Name Dharmadhrt Meaning : In Sanskrit meaning is : One who makes Dharma realized

Used in : Hindu, Sanskrit
Dharmtat Boy Name Dharmtat Meaning : Holy One Full Of Virtue.

Used in : Sikh
Dharmwant Boy Name Dharmwant Meaning : Full Of Righteousness.

Used in : Sikh
Dhavit Boy Name Dhavit Meaning : White, Washed, Pure, Clean

Used in : Hindu
Dheemant Boy Name Dheemant Meaning : Noble, Kind

Used in : Hindu
Dhianjot Boy Name Dhianjot Meaning : Light Of Mediation.

Used in : Sikh
Dhianpreet Boy Name Dhianpreet Meaning : Love For Meditation.

Used in : Sikh
Dhikshit Boy Name Dhikshit Meaning : Initiated

Used in : Hindu
Dhimant Boy Name Dhimant Meaning : Possessed With Wisdom, One Who Is Wise

Used in : Sanskrit
Dhimat Boy Name Dhimat Meaning : Possessed With Wisdom, One Who Is Intelligent

Used in : Hindu
Dhirajpreet Boy Name Dhirajpreet Meaning : Lover Of Patience.

Used in : Sikh
Dhirajwant Boy Name Dhirajwant Meaning : Full Of Patience.

Used in : Sikh
Dhrishit Boy Name Dhrishit Meaning : Courageous, Fearless, Heroic

Used in : Hindu
Dhrtimat Boy Name Dhrtimat Meaning : One Who Is Calm, Paitent, Steadfast, Resolute

Used in : Sanskrit
Dhruddavrat Boy Name Dhruddavrat Meaning : Strong Willed Meditator

Used in : Hindu
Dhundhumat Boy Name Dhundhumat Meaning : Roaring, Boastful

Used in : Sanskrit
Dhundumat Boy Name Dhundumat Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Dhusyant Boy Name Dhusyant Meaning : Destroyer of evil

Used in : Telugu
Dhwanit Boy Name Dhwanit Meaning : Sound

Used in : Hindu
Diamit Boy Name Diamit Meaning : In irish meaning is : Without envy

Used in : Celtic, Irish
Diamont Boy Name Diamont Meaning : Bright Guardian, bridge Protector.

Used in : American, British, English
Diarmait Boy Name Diarmait Meaning : In irish meaning is : Free man

Used in : Celtic, Irish
Diarmuit Boy Name Diarmuit Meaning : In irish meaning is : Free from envy

Used in : Celtic, Irish
Didhitimat Boy Name Didhitimat Meaning : Shining, Brilliant, The Sun

Used in : Sanskrit
Didier-albert Boy Name Didier-albert Meaning :

Used in : German
Diepolt Boy Name Diepolt Meaning :

Used in : German
Dierk-eckart Boy Name Dierk-eckart Meaning :

Used in : German
Dietbert Boy Name Dietbert Meaning :

Used in : Dutch, German
Dietbout Boy Name Dietbout Meaning :

Used in : Dutch, German
Dieter-albert Boy Name Dieter-albert Meaning :

Used in : German
Dieter-eckardt Boy Name Dieter-eckardt Meaning :

Used in : German
Dieter-ernst Boy Name Dieter-ernst Meaning :

Used in : German
Dieter-jobst Boy Name Dieter-jobst Meaning :

Used in : German
Dieter-kurt Boy Name Dieter-kurt Meaning :

Used in : German
Dieter-robert Boy Name Dieter-robert Meaning :

Used in : German
Diethardt Boy Name Diethardt Meaning :

Used in : German
Diethardt-helmut Boy Name Diethardt-helmut Meaning :

Used in : German
Diethart Boy Name Diethart Meaning :

Used in : German
Diether-gert Boy Name Diether-gert Meaning :

Used in : German
Dietmar-ernst Boy Name Dietmar-ernst Meaning :

Used in : German
Dietmar-gerbert Boy Name Dietmar-gerbert Meaning :

Used in : German
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with D and end with T, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.