The baby name "Bhoomadevi" belong to (पूर्वाषाढ़ा) Purva Ashadha nakshatra. Followings are the facts related Bhoomadevi's Purva Ashadha nakshatra
Gender : Female
Translation : The Former Invincible One, Former Unconquered, Undefeated
Symbol : A fan or a winnowing basket
Animal Symbol : A Male Monkey
Presiding Deity : Apas - the cosmic waters deified as God
Ruling Lord : Venus
Nature : Manushya (human)
Dosha : Pitta
Guna : Rajasic
Element : Air
Disposition : Fierce and Severe (Ugra)
Indian / Vedic zodiac: 13°20' - 26°40' Dhanu
Western zodiac: 9°20' - 22°40' Capricorn
Other name options, having Purva Ashadha nakshatra are the name starting with : Bhu, Bhoo, Dh, Dha, Pha, Fa (Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation भू, धा, फा, ढा).
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You may find similar word(s) in English for different Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation. So Baby name "Bhoomadevi" may fall under Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

The baby name "Bhoomadevi" belong to (उत्तराषाढ़ा) Uttara Ashadha nakshatra. Followings are the facts related Bhoomadevi's Uttara Ashadha nakshatra
Gender : Female
Translation : Latter Invincible One, Latter unconquered, Final victory
Symbol : Elephant's tusk; planks of a bed
Animal Symbol : A Male Mongoose
Presiding Deity : The Ten Vishvadevas, the sons of Lord Dharma
Ruling Lord : Sun
Nature : Manushya (human)
Dosha : Kapha
Guna : Sattwic
Element : Air
Disposition : Fixed, Permanent (Dhruva)
Indian / Vedic zodiac: 26°40' Dhanu - 10° Makara
Western zodiac: 22°40' Capricorn - 6° Aquarius
Other name options, having Uttara Ashadha nakshatra are the name starting with : Bhe, Bhae, Bho, Ja, Jaa, Ji, Jee (Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation भे, भो, जा, जी).
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